Staying in Granada
APC Spanish School just joined Meet and Greet in Granada Nicaragua
Conocer alguien nuevo y Conocer algo nuevo
Business and community leaders, community members, residents and visitors to Granada are welcome to attend each month.New members have the opportunity to introduce themselves to the group.
All members are invited to give a community announcement if they have a new business, are offering a promotion, or news to share to the group can do so.Food services who would like feature their product to taste or those who would like to sell their products are welcome to do so with prior approval.
¿Nicañol? ¡Dale pues!
We present you a listo from an article entitled “Nicaragüense – the language of Nicaragua”
The article is very interesting. We suggest to read it to have a sence how nicaraguans use Spanish. Below the list from the article written by myrvoyage (Click here to read the blog)
Words and expressions only used in the pueblo are marked with (P) and those only used in the city are marked with (C)
Chele white person – Gringo or European
→ is also used as a nickname for light-skinned Nicaraguans
Chela feminine version of chele – shouted on the streets at white
girls by Nicaraguan men, along with words like
“bonita/linda” (beautiful), “I love you”…
(They surely have misunderstood something, ‘caus that really isn’t the way of getting to talk to us!!)
Chavalo(-a) (C) lad and lass
Hembra the animal female – used as a synonym of girls (P)
Varón boy/lad
Charrangachanga thingy/stuff
Chereque thingy/stuff
Chunche/chuncha thingy/stuff (–> be careful! Can also be used as a man’s “thing” (chunche) or a woman’s “thing” (chuncha))
¡Tuani! Cool!
¡Deacachimba! Cool! – mostly used by young people, (slight annotation to
women’s private parts…)
¡Deaca! Cool! (short version of “deacachimba”)
¡Púchica! neutral expression – used as “damn it!””Ouch” “Whoops..”
and the like
Bastante lots of/many
Dale okay (same as Castillan expression “Vale”)
Dale pues different meanings, according to the context… You’ll have
to figure that one out yourself
Entonces then…, so… – used a lot!
¡No hombre! No man! Hell no!
¡Como no! As if! Of course yes!
Chiclar funny buisiness of men and women
Tronar funny buisiness of men and women
Fornicar funny buisiness of men and women
Moler funny buisiness of men and women
¡Ideay! What happened?! What the heck?!
¿Qué honda? What’s up?
¿Qué tal? What’s up?
Buena onda good wave
Buen coco/cabeza de coco
Good head, smart one
Finca farm/ranch
Palo (P) tree
Carro car
Chinela sandal
Chapa earring
Palmear tortillas to clap tortillas
Acá here (same as aquí)
Allá over there (further away than “allí”)
Huerto vegetable garden
Cedula ID
Joder to bug
Basura garbage/litter
Guaro – liquor
Bolo – drunk man / to be drunk
Borracho – drunk man / to be drunk
Piruca – drunk man / to be drunk
Guarosqui – drunk man / to be drunk
Tapirul – drunk man / to be drunk
Chiguina – girl
Chiguin – boy
Moizo – boyfriend
Jaño – boyfriend
Chivo – boyfriend
Tombo – police
Jurra – police
¡Hijo de puta! – well, best if you don’t use that too much…. And if you really want to know: Son of a bitch!
Chimoso – gossip
Lengua larga – big tongue –> gossiper
“Tengo la cabeza saber como…” – I’m forgetful, I forgot
Hay nos vidrios – see you soon
Aqui no mas – right over there (talking about directions)
Va pues – go ahead (-ish…)
“Que le vaya bien” – that you will travel well (used when saying goodbye to a person, even when that person is just going to work or the like)
“A saber…” – who knows…
Simon – yes
Nelson – no
Roco / roca – dad/mom
Cumiche – youngest sister/brother
Chicle – chewing gum
Prensar – to hurry
¡Que barbaridad! – how stupid! –> how barbaric!
Lluvia en la cabeza – SOOO many thoughts/ideas just raining down on you
¡Tronco! – the top! Great!
Trolear – to walk
“Hacer ____ al trol” – to do ____ fast
-isimo/a – strengthens a word, ex: ¡Tuanisimo! = Really great! Aburridisimo = soooo boring
Mofa – a joke
Timar – to cheat
Bella – beautiful
Nicañol – Nicaraguan Spanish (Nicaragüense + Español)
Your are right at home in Granada, Nicaragua
ViaNica says about Casa Silas:
Casa Silas Bed & Breakfast is located in the market area of Granada. During the day, the area is a thriving cultural, commercial community, only three blocks from the city center. During the evening, the area is blessed with silence and starry nights. Restful sleep at Casa Silas Bed & Breakfast is assured. Tour planning assistance, in-house Spanish classes, and the “wit” and “wisdom” of Claudia and Rob are just a few of the reasons visitors love the introduction to Nicaragua offered here, and many frequently return.
Casa Silas is located in the “colonial” area of Granada, though most of the homes date from the period after 1856 – the year that William Walker´s men set torch to light, and burned Granada to the ground.